Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How Can I Stop the Mind Chatter While I Meditate?

Connect with your breathing.  Stay in the moment by watching your body go through a breath cycle.  Watch how it takes the oxygen in and expands and then releases the breath.  The constant ebb and flow will relax you.
It may take a while so try to set some time aside each day for the practice. Even if you can only find five or ten minutes.  Be aware of each moment.  As the thoughts pass through your mind bless them and allow them to keep moving.  This is your time to relax and de-stress those thoughts can be dealt with later. Congratulations for taking the steps to create more peace in your life.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Why do I stay in a relationship when I know it is not working?

FEAR. Plain and simple. You are afraid to be alone.  You think if you leave this person you may never find anyone else.  Also there are some qualities in this person  you don't want to do without.  It becomes second nature to overlook unhealthy behavior.  For instance if there is emotional abuse it maybe down played because there is no physical abuse. There will be a point when you say enough.  I hold the space for the best possible outcome for your life.

Monday, December 6, 2010

How to deal with the resentment you feel with a loved one.

When you are feeling resentment towards another it is because they didn't give you the desired results you were looking for.   Your loved one was reacting in the only way they know how based on their level of understanding.   If you give something to someone with the expectation of a certain result you are going to become frustrated.  I suggest you give from your heart without any connection to result or demands on the outcome.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ask Me Anything...

Hi-I decided it is time for me to help anywhere I can.  Ask me anything.